Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Heck is 27 weeks

I had my monthly OB checkup this week and Baby Heck continues to grow bigger as we get ready to enter our final trimester next week.  Baby Heck is approximately 2 lbs and is starting to put on the weight at this point.  She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers.  I feel her movements constantly (both during the day and in the wee hours of the night).
Last week was a bit out of the ordinary for me because I felt completely unlike myself... absolutely exhausted, my blood pressure was low, I was out of breath with everything I did and I had no appetite (which is unheard of for me).  After taking a day off as well as visiting the OB doc and getting some blood work done, it was determined that my iron levels had dropped a bit (although nothing extreme).  I was able to get some great nights rest as well as start taking some iron supplements and I'm back to my old self.  All is good on the baby front here and about 12 weeks to go!

On a funny and unexpected note - Thomas asked me how the baby would be coming out of my tummy.  Before answering, my head raced with "appropriate" answers.  How honest should I be with a 3.5 year old?  Does it count to tell him about getting the baby from a C-section?  Should I relate it to Elle in Ice Age 3 when she had Baby Peaches?  All of these things raced in my head; in the end, I decided to tell Thomas that the doctors were going to help take the baby out of Mommy's tummy by using their "doctor tools".  I showed him my C-section scar and told him that the baby will come out from there.  He seemed very accepting of this and in the very next breath asked what was for dinner.  OK... I guess the 3.5 year old found that to be a good answer.  Whoa (thank goodness).

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