Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Abs is half way there...

... to 2 years old!  I can't believe how big she is getting; how smart she is; how funny she is; and how stubborn & strong-willed she is. 
Her 18-month old stats are:
weight - 23.5 lbs (25-50%)
height - 30.5 inches (10-25%)
 I thought these pictures were fitting to show you her stubbornness... she absolutely insisted on wearing these new black "Mary Jane" like shoes with her outfit.  I would definately say she is NOT a fashion icon; rather, I think she is just asserting her independence!
 Not sure what is happening with the tongue ???
 Again... not sure if she is panting ?or just enjoying the fresh air on her tongue??
 Abby is 1.5 years old going on 15. 
She wants to do everything Thomas does.
She wants everything that Thomas has.
Same cup.  Same plate.  Same snack.
You get the idea.
My baby girl is growing up way too fast.
I'm sure I'm going to say that many times in the coming years when she gets to elementary school.  When she is in middle school.  And I'm quite certain I will be thinking it a gazillion times when she is in high school.
Oh god... I'm gonna blink and Abby will be in high school with her brother.
Life is going too fast.

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