Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Update from the "Sandbox"

Here it is in all of its glory... the chapel that Brian has been the project manager on & they have been building since last month. Pretty amazing, huh?

I think the bell tower is a very beautiful touch
At night with lights...
AC units to keep folks cool. Notice how they have them up on ledges... that is quite common down here along the Gulf Coast with water front homes. Just in case there is a hurricane, tropical storm or flooding - it offers extra protection to the units. Now... given that this in the desert, I'm not sure the purpose there. Maybe so the sand doesn't blow into them??? :) Brian is probably hate me for saying that comment.
Dan R. building the bell tower

Interior entrance
The front of the chapel
The alter
Guess what this is? No, it is not a coffin (although I have to admit, it does resemble a short one).
It is a baptism bath. It just happens to have the cover on it (hence the cross). Wow... I was kinda blown away that they would add that kinda extra little touch. Way to go guys!
So Brian's team is packing up now. In the coming weeks they will leave Basra and spread out around the AOR (basically, Iraq & Afghanistan). More projects to build while they finish up the 2nd half of this deployment. We are down to double digit days (can I get an AMEN to that sista) so we are one milestone closer to being done. Keep everyone away from their families this holiday season in your prayers.

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