My travelling tots did really well last week when we flew from FL up to MD & VA to see Grandparents. Despite some slight (and LONG) travel hiccups on the way north... they were quite the troops and handled the time change and long day with the best of them. Matter of fact, much of the time the two of them had Brian and me laughing and crack'in up with their silliness.
Just arrived at P'cola and waiting for Daddy to park the car & help haul all the bags inside to the ticket counter. Meanwhile...

... Thomas counted our bags (several times) to ensure they were all here.

Both of them did some serious "people watching" and took notice of how airport operations are handled. Don't they look so serious?

Thomas even met a "girl" friend while we waited for our flight. Actually, truth be told - she was smitten with him from "go". Can't you tell? She can't take her eyes off of him. And isn't it typical of a boy that he isn't even looking at her? All he cares about is the airplane arriving...

... and when it did - the ENTIRE airport heard the two of them squeel with delight and jump up and down. OK, so that is when Thomas paid her a little attention. Everyone waiting at our gate was hysterially laughing at them.

Unfortunately by the time we arrived in Atlanta where there was weather delays (not surprising), they had us board AND deboard 3 different times. Duh... my two little munchkins did not find that fun. So, Thomas resorted to getting cozy across a string of chairs and watching a movie. Abby, on the other hand, just crawled and walked everywhere at the gate. Thank goodness there was lots of space and we just let her go...

On our way to Grandpa & Grandma Heck's house... almost there!

On both flights heading up to MD, Thomas' face was glued to the window... he just soaked up every moment watching us fly. We hadn't even pulled away from the gate and he was already asking, "Mommy, are we flying yet?" (over and over again). By the time we were speeding down the runway for take off and then were wheels up, he exclaimed, "Daddy, we are really flying now!!!!"

Abby, on the other hand, was oblivious to our altitude.

The flights home were a little less thrilling for him so he was totally fine with watching a movie. Thank goodness they were far less eventful and much, much quicker than the beginning of the week on our way up.

Abby finally managed to get relaxed and dozed off to dream...

... and woke up refreshed just moments from landing back in P'cola. You got to love when the kids sleep when you are traveling.
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