- Have I ever said how wonderful of a feeling it is to go through your closets, cabinets, drawers, garage, etc and just start throwing things in the pile to get rid of? I love having garage sales - it is such a freeing & yet cleansing feeling. Do I sound wierd? I'm Type A personality (for those of you who don't know), so that should explain my wierdness.
- Good runs this week - I'm holding steady at doing 3.5 miles each run. I think I will wait until I head back to school a week from Monday to start increasing up to 4.5 miles. I'm really feeling good running lately (well, other than all the cracks & creeks in my knees) and I've noticed that my speed is also picking up too.
- Abby is continuing to eat like she is a 16-year old teenage boy... fingers crossed that all the food is sticking to her ribs. Actually, Brian and I have eached cheated and put her on the bathroom scale to see how close to 20 lbs she is... we think she is! Can I get an Amen! That also will mean I can turn old girl around and face forward in just a few short weeks and she can finally have a top-notch view while riding in the car... poor Abs has been looking at the same back of the car now for a year.
- Thomas is amazing Brian and me alike with how moody he is lately. What the heck? I'm heard of the "Terrible Twos" (which we were pretty fortunate to escape), but I've heard nothing of the "Threes". Auuuughhhhhh! Everything is drama with him. Even pulling up his underwear & shorts after going to the bathroom. If I have to hear, "I can't do it" one more time, I'm going to scream.
- I only have one more free Friday before heading back to school so I'm going to make the best of this weekend. Actually, my kiddos will go back to daycare starting on Monday for the mornings so the transition is a little easier. It's a bear if I wait until the first day of work/school and then have to deal with the morning dropoff resistance. I prefer as little drama as possible. Plus for next week - I will go into work each morning after dropping them off and ease into the school work I have to do.
- The biggest thing I'm looking forward to this upcoming week? Getting my "Going Back to School" manicure, pedicure & haircut. Since having kids, these sorts of things seem to be luxery services. Yes, even a haircut. Oh good days ahead...
TGIF everyone - enjoy your weekend. Thanks for listening to my randomness and catching up on my weekly thoughts.
1 comment:
I love purging! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. We've been talking about a garage/ yard sale for years and it never seems to happen. Next week Purple Heart is coming to get it all, I can't take it anymore.
Personally, I thought the 3's were way worse than the 2's. It was exactly what you are saying, the independence piece of it!
Much love back at you girl!
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