Oh to be young again... with a drama-free life. I look at my two sleeping beauties each time they are napping or right before I lay down each night at think about how peaceful they look. After a day filled with walking (Abby), running (Thomas) and playing until their heart is content... I see how restful their bodies are and wonder if they are dreaming of sweet-nothings. Of course, Thomas really might be dreaming of monster trucks, scarey dinosaurs, and how fast he can run outside when Daddy is chasing him ...

... Abby on the other hand might be dreaming of her little blankie she now carts around with her everywhere, or trying to walk faster when her brother begins to chase her without falling, or maybe even finding NUKs hidden in all her favorite places.

On a related note, Abby's new skill this week is learning to kiss someone - it is hilarious... she leans in with a smile to you with an open mouth. All you have to do is say the word "kisses" and she is all over it. Hopefully its just us she is kissing for a while - don't think Brian is ready for his little girl to be kissing boys yet. Her other new "thing" is refusing to eat baby food. I'm lucky at a meal if I can get her to take a few bites of a once-favorite flavor. Now she really just wants her own spoon and/or wants to eat food herself. Some new favorites lately are pasta, grilled cheese bites, waffles, ham, green bean bites, & carrot bites. Like I have said earlier... the girl eats like a truck driver. Thank goodness she doesn't act like one (yet).

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