First though, I am frustrated at my lack of good, quality pictures that I have lately. That is due entirely to the fact that I no longer have my camera. To spare the horrible details and placing total blame on anyone in particular, let's just say that my camera fell out of the opened camera case and into the water when "we" were boarding the boat the other day at the boat launch. Auuuughhhhh.... I loved that camera. So, that brings us to the present where I am completely dependent on my cell phone camera, other people's pictures they send me AND my hubby's little camera that he bought to bring on deployments. None of which are mine and do what I want/like it to do. Needless to say, I'm frustrated about lack of good picture blogs. However, the sunny side to this unfortunate situation is I'm in the market for a new camera........ and I'll be upgrading. **He-He**
Thomas loves dinosaurs. He can even name quite a few different ones. So, when my MIL pulled out this little surprise, I thought it was most adorable and couldn't wait to show Thomas. What you are looking at is a homemade clay dinosaur from Daddy when he was in 5th grade living in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I couldn't believe she kept it all these years. She must have known that he would have a son one day to pass it on to. Needless to say, Thomas loves it. It will be properly displayed up on a shelf in Thomas' room so as to not break it... or rather, so that Abby doesn't break it.
especially by my little baker you see here.
One day at lunch, Thomas convinced me that he should be allowed to eat his lunch by the TV while he finished watching Ice Age 3. As you can see clearly, I fell sucker to his "good idea" and he became quite lazy & spoiled at lunch. But isn't he too cute? He laid back and enjoyed every little tiny bite of his PB&J sandwich.
Thomas was in hog-heaven on Sunday when the "moving" truck pulled up from Lowes to deliver our new garage fridge & took away our old junkie one. Thank goodness for our successful garage sale the day before which paid for it.
About 2 Friday nights ago, Thomas had a sleep over at Grannie & Grandpop's house. There just aren't words to explain how much he loves this... obviously though... there are very little rules, he is spoiled to death and doesn't have to share any of the attention with Abbigail AND he gets late night snacks and even slept in the pull-out-couch with Grannie. Oh my... he was spoiled. And had a great time at that!
Because Abbigail is getting ready to turn ONE, we thought it was best to start transitioning both Thomas & her into their new respective carseats. I washed & cleaned out this one that Thomas has used since before he was one (it is convertible, so it can face backwards and forwards). As you can see by her reaction, she is NOT a fan of this one yet. Even into the 2nd day using it, she still puts up a little drama fit each time I buckle her in. I'm sure by the weekend she will just accept it and move on... I hope anyway.
However, she is quite content with sitting in Thomas' new booster seat. I just don't understand her. I'm wondering if she is going to be my challenging child? I better start warning her... she doesn't know what she is up against with Mommy.
Meanwhile, she is a happy camper most other times. Here she is showing me her prized possession - her NUK.
Lastly, Thomas was being a "nosey Nellie" and discovered Brian's dog tags hanging on the bed post. After finding out what they were called, he later told me, "Mommy, why does Daddy have those - he isn't a doggy?" Sometimes I wonder if Thomas will follow in his Daddy's (and Grandpas') footsteps and serve his country also. Time will only tell...

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