- Transition week back to "school" went fairly smoothly. Thomas really is lov'in being back at school with his friends and has really taken to Ms. Tisha's 3-year-old class. His favorite part this week though had to be Show and Tell on Friday when he brought one of his new digger trucks. Oh the excitement of being in a big boy class.
- Abby continues to eat and eat and eat. Please Lord let this be a growth spurt. Another tooth has busted through and with that has come some moodiness & drooling (to be expected) = total is 7 teeth now. She too has adjusted well back in Ms. Betty's & Ms. Angie's infant room at school, although she has spent a little bit of time each morning playing in Ms. Deborah's 1-year old room so she gets to know new friends & be familiar with a new routine with the toddlers in there. I can't believe Abby is going to be in the toddler room in a week - OMG, my baby is growing up.
- I'm so glad I spent the mornings this week working in my classroom and getting organized for the year... it was quiet & productive which made me quite content. Starting Monday morning (planning days for teachers), it will be chaotic to say the least at school with socializing, meetings, trainings, trying to fit in lesson planning, copying, and meeting new students who are just popping in to look around. Anyway - I feel like I got a great headstart for the school year.
- Temps here in FL have reached some ridiculous highs... 95+ degrees by 10:00am and then reaching the low 100s by lunchtime. It isn't pleasant to walk the dog, swim in the pool or even grill dinner outside. Needless to say, we have spent more than usual amounts of time trying to stay cool these last two weeks - and my power bill this month shows it.... $250+. Auuughhhhh.
Until next week, when I will have had two full days of school with my new students this year, I'm sure it will prove to be an exhausting week but refreshing in the sense of a new routine. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
When I was still in the classroom, I used to love those days before everyone else came back to work. I was always so much more productive and settled.
Glad the week went well and the kids adjusted nicely!
It is hot as hell in TX this summer too! 103 on Sunday? Are you serious? I knew this would happen when everyone was complaining of the "long, cold winter!"
*stopping by from Leftovers.
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