Wednesday, April 13, 2011

(Not so) Wordless Wednesday

Abbigail found herself a perfect size seat today.
 Yes, this is her babydoll stroller.
 She thinks she is just the right size.
She also wanted someone to push her around the house so she could go for a ride.
 Look at who the sucker was!
I guess that is what caring big brothers are for, right?

On a different note, Thomas has not earned any stickers yet to put on his calendar.  If you are a follower of the "HeckLure Adventures" then you know that means he has not slept an entire night in his own bed since we started this new game plan last Friday.  However, I will say that we have made some small improvements: 1) Thomas hasn't always slept right next to my bed on the floor.  He has migrated at times to areas near our bedroom door, the kitchen and has even gotten up in the wee hours of the morning and gone back to his bed to sleep.  Does that at all count for forward motion and positive progress?  2) He is super excited about getting the stickers.  Unfortunately though, no earned stickers.  Another sudden change in the "plan" also involved the kind of stickers we were going to use.  At first, the idea was dinosaurs & dragons (a current obsession); however, Walmart didn't have the dragons and he just wasn't excited about dinosaurs alone.  So, we had to resort to Plan B stickers.  That meant we picked Batman and Superman stickers.  Oh well, superheros will have to do.

Hey, I'm a "glass-is-half-full" kind of girl... I'm thinking that every little inch forward is something to celebrate.  I know this change might take awhile, but I do know change will come.  After all, all kids go through phases.  And that is all this is... a phase.

A Wednesday Funny to Share:
Daddy: "Thomas, who do you like best: Batman or Superman?"
Thomas: "Batman.  He is so cool.  He has wings.  Superman is not cool at all Daddy."

And there you have it... what constitutes "cool" from an almost-4-year-old perspective.

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