Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday AND Christmas Leftovers (numbers edition)

1 - the early hour on the clock that Abby was bedside telling me Santa had arrived & it was time to get up.
3 - the early hour on the clock that both Abby & Thomas were again by my bedside telling me Santa had brought presents and that it was time to get up!
7 - the morning hour on the clock that the kids woke us up as they exclaimed "Merry Christmas!"
5 - the negative degree temperature it was outside when we woke up to celebrate Christmas.
6 - the high temperature of the day.
65 - number of minutes it took start to finish to open every last gift that Santa & loved ones had delivered.
7 - how many times Abby told me that she didn't like the breakfast casserole I had made.
1 - cups of coffee I had through all the Christmas chaos.
3 - number of trips we pulled the big sled to the dumpster with Xmas trash.
2 - the afternoon hour on the clock that I finally took a shower and got dressed.
25 - amount spent on 8 "D" sized batteries at the local gas station that morning when we realized we forgot them for his Hot Wheel Track.  Can we say ripe off?
35 - amount spent on 6 "9v" batteries at the same local gas station that evening when our smoke detectors wouldn't stop beeping & chirping just 30 minutes before Christmas dinner was served.
47 - times Marilyn asked when Santa was going to come again to deliver presents.  I'm pretty sure she expected to do the whole thing over again the next morning.
2 - Skype sessions we had with loved ones in the Lower 48.
2 - number of presents I got to open early.
0 - number of presents everyone else got to open early.
193 - number of times that Thomas told us that this was the greatest Christmas ever.
528 - number of times that Abby told us that her Make Up Station was her most favorite present followed by her double-seat baby stroller.
21 - number of times that Marilyn told us she loved "everything."

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