I've missed a few of the last Fridays because of insanity & forgetfulness - but I have a few extra moments today so I thought I would give you the "leftover" Heck scoop from the week:
- word on the street is my hubby will be here for my birthday next week (Labor Day Weekend) before he heads out on his TDY trip. On that same note, rumor has it he may not have to be gone as long as we had thought... AMEN.
- Speaking of birthdays, as long as Brian and I have known each other (2003), we have only been together for 3 of my birthdays... this one will be 4. I'm used to it but man am I looking forward to him here so that he can spoil me!
- For the last 2 weeks (with the exception of 3 or 4 nights) Thomas has started to wet the bed. Don't know where this is coming from. The boy has had dry nights since early spring... not sure what could be the cause but it is extremely frustrating (and time consuming to change bed sheets daily). I'm sure there will be more to blog regarding this.
- This morning the true realization of Abby's petite size hit. She has a size 12 months cute little green shirt on coupled with a size 6-9 months part of jeans. ???? I know... that isn't supposed to happen. She has short little legs, tiny waist and longer torso. Poor girl is definately between sizes I would say.
- The pile of essays/papers/tests has begun to grown that seems to be a permanent fixture on my desk at school. There are three times per school year when I have nothing to grade/score/give feedback on.... 1) 1st day of school, 2) last day before Christmas break, and 3) last day of school. All other days there is a pile. A big pile.

Here from Leftovers!
We, too, have oddly proportioned children in this house. :) I managed to get 12-month shorts on my 2 year olds at the beginning of the summer - with 2T shirts that are already beginning to be too short. Eh, they get it honest - I wear "tall" shirts, and "short" jeans. :)
Hi, popping in from Friday Night Leftovers!
Funny, my little girl is wearing 6-9 month jeans today too (she's almost 16 months).
So happy you'll be able to share your birthday this year with your husband, I'm sure you cherish those years!
My girls can almost wear the same shorts and skirts and they are over two years apart. I guess that's what happens when one is 25th percentile and the other is 75th :)
Have a great weekend!
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